Tic-Tac-Toe, is a classic game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The X player usually goes first. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.Below are the source code of this game which I wrote in C#.
Tic Tac Toe :
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Shapes; namespace TicTacToe { ////// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// public partial class MainWindow : Window { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { isClicked[i] = false; } msgBox.Text = "X starts first!"; scoreX.Text = scrX.ToString(); scoreO.Text = scrO.ToString(); } int scrX = 0; int scrO = 0; bool X = true; bool O = false; bool signal = false; bool[] isClicked = new bool[9]; int counter = 0; string[] array={"0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"}; private void winnerX() { MessageBox.Show("Winner is X", "Winner", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); msgBox.Text = "Winner is X. Restart game !"; scrX++; scoreX.Text = scrX.ToString(); } private void winnerO() { MessageBox.Show("Winner is O","Winner",MessageBoxButton.OK,MessageBoxImage.Information); msgBox.Text = "Winner is O. Restart game !"; scrO++; scoreO.Text = scrO.ToString(); } private void isDrawBattle() { if ((counter == 9) && !(CheckForWin())) { MessageBox.Show("Draw battle", "Winner", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); msgBox.Text = "Draw battle"; } } private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 0; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[0]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text="Now its X's turn !"; button1.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Not its O's turn !"; button1.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[0] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 1; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[1]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button2.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button2.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[1] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 2; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[2]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button3.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button3.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[2] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button4_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 3; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[3]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button4.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button4.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[3] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button5_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 4; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[4]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button5.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button5.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[4] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button6_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 5; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[5]) { return; } if (X && (counter<9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button6.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button6.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[5] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button7_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 6; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[6]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button7.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button7.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[6] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button8_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 7; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[7]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button8.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button8.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[7] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button9_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int button = 8; if (signal) { return; } if (isClicked[8]) { return; } if (X && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; button9.Content = "X"; array[button] = "x"; X = false; O = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; } } else if (O && (counter < 9)) { msgBox.Text = "Now its O's turn !"; button9.Content = "O"; array[button] = "o"; O = false; X = true; if (!signal) { msgBox.Text = "Now its X's turn !"; } } else return; counter++; isClicked[8] = true; if (CheckForWin()) { return; } isDrawBattle(); } private void button10_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) /*Restart*/ { button1.Content = button2.Content = button3.Content = button4.Content = button5.Content = button6.Content = button7.Content = button8.Content = button9.Content = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { isClicked[i] = false; } msgBox.Text = "X starts first!"; counter = 0; signal = false; X = true; O = false; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { array[i] = "0"; } } private void button11_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { scrX = scrO = 0; scoreX.Text = scrX.ToString(); scoreO.Text = scrO.ToString(); msgBox.Text = "Scores are reseted!"; } private bool CheckForWin() { bool flag = false; if ((array[0] == array[1]) && (array[0] == array[2]) && (array[1] == array[2]) && (array[0] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[0] == array[1]) && (array[0] == array[2]) && (array[1] == array[2]) && (array[0] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[3] == array[4]) && (array[3] == array[5]) && (array[4] == array[5]) && (array[3] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[3] == array[4]) && (array[3] == array[5]) && (array[4] == array[5]) && (array[3] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[6] == array[7]) && (array[6] == array[8]) && (array[7] == array[8]) && (array[6] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[6] == array[7]) && (array[6] == array[8]) && (array[7] == array[8]) && (array[6] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[0] == array[3]) && (array[0] == array[6]) && (array[3] == array[6]) && (array[0] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[0] == array[3]) && (array[0] == array[6]) && (array[3] == array[6]) && (array[0] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[1] == array[4]) && (array[1] == array[7]) && (array[4] == array[7]) && (array[1] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[1] == array[4]) && (array[1] == array[7]) && (array[4] == array[7]) && (array[1] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[2] == array[5]) && (array[2] == array[8]) && (array[5] == array[8]) && (array[2] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[2] == array[5]) && (array[2] == array[8]) && (array[5] == array[8]) && (array[2] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[0] == array[4]) && (array[0] == array[8]) && (array[4] == array[8]) && (array[0] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[0] == array[4]) && (array[0] == array[8]) && (array[4] == array[8]) && (array[0] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } else if ((array[2] == array[4]) && (array[2] == array[6]) && (array[4] == array[6]) && (array[2] == "x")) { winnerX(); flag = true; } else if ((array[2] == array[4]) && (array[2] == array[6]) && (array[4] == array[6]) && (array[2] == "o")) { winnerO(); flag = true; } signal = flag; return flag; } } }
thank you!!!
ReplyDeletewhere should be the trigger of the game should be given??? to text box or to start button????
ReplyDelete27 errors : What the hack is Content ?